Stress affects us in many different ways. But, when too much stress is impacting your quality of life, it is time to do something about it. Choosing the right strain to help you feel better it would be mostly trial and error. The personal research will give you the best options for yourself. Although, we want to present you some cannabis strains that have been praised by many with positive effects to combat stress in your life. Shop from Canada cannabis online dispensary today!
Clinical evidence is not widely available. However, according to a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago “Low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress”. Based on this study you want to choose strains with low THC. It has been proven that THC will help combat stress, but high levels of THC might give you a high “high” that could end up producing anxiety.
To find out which strain works the best for you could start by doing some research on the Internet and see what people have to say about any particular strain. While most strains provide that calming sensation cannabis lovers look for, many users find that each produces slightly different results. Just keep in mind that matching your desired effects with a specific strain can be really hard. Especially, if you have not previously tried the strain. Going to a dispensary is a really good option. You can have a talk with a professional budtender because remember, knowledge is power and when it comes to stress relieve, the more you know the better results you will have and feel. Ultimately, stress relieve is a personal journey of discovery and your best option is to sample different strains and products to see which one will work the best for you. Be curious and sample different ones keeping records of how you feel after ingesting. Browse our GrassLife shop, now!
High CBD strains are going to be a good way to combat stress. It has been proven that cannabidiol reduces stress and anxiety, which means that high CBD content cannabis might be exactly what you need to help you unwind after a long week.
Here are some strains you could try:
Cannatonic: If you are THC-sensitive and experience paranoia and anxiety after ingesting marijuana, you might want to try this 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC, making it perfect for those who want to feel calm. CBD has no psychotic effects so there’s no risk of anxiety or paranoia. It has also been found to minimize the effects of THC. Cannatonic tends to also boast high levels of the terpene myrcene, which contributes to this strain’s deeply relaxing attributes.
Sour Tsunami: It’s CBD content stays around 10%, while its THC content ranges from 6 to 7%. This strain calms your mind which might be the perfect way to clear your head and combat stress. Sour Tsunami is also great to fight depression, so if you suffer from both depression and anxiety, you might want to give the Sour Tsunami a try.
One to one: This strain has similar CDB to THC ratio as Cannatonic which makes it a perfect option for therapeutic purposes. One to one will give you a mellow high with little to none psychoactive effects. Your mind and your body will feel calm and relaxed, but you’ll still have the energy needed to go about your daily activities.
Green crack: Do not be scared by the name. This sativa strain is among the few exceptions, is known for its energy-boosting properties with euphoric and uplifting effects. It has so good reputation that is often used to treat stress, depression, and fatigue.
Northern lights: If you need something more sedative, this is an indica strain you should try. Northern lights have a fast calming effect and if you are desperate for a good night sleep, this one is the one you need. Just keep in mind that this strain is high in THC, so you need to try and find out if your body and mind are THC-sensitive.
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All these are only suggestions for you. Remember that the best path for your stress relieve options are personal sampling. Try one and see the effects on you. What works for you might be different from what works for others. And don’t be scared to THC, some people actually find that the psychoactive effects of THC help them the most. But, others find the needed relieve with CBD options. It’s a personal journey, you just need time and curiosity to find out what works the best for you. (We are not professionals and these are only suggestions).
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