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Research by Insights West for Resonance Consultancy and Valens GroWorks Corp revealed that 69% of Canadian cannabis users use cannabis to relieve stress. They discovered that almost 80% of Canadians are turning to cannabis for relaxation and well-being, even though the majority of users don’t have medical prescriptions. 

This blog will show you that amidst the busyness of daily life, Grandpa’s Breath provides an incredibly helpful alternative for finding serenity, similar to the calming atmosphere of shopping at a weed dispensary.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Indica has higher doses of the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) and lower levels of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
  • Grandpa’s Breath’s slow-moving effects refer to the gradual onset and prolonged duration of its calming influence on the body and mind.
  • Cannabis products are stress relievers for Canadians.

What Is Grandpa’s Breath Strain? 

Grandpa’s Breath is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain renowned for inducing a deep sense of relaxation and euphoria. It is a hybrid of Grandaddy Purple and OG Kush. Oregon-based growers Dungeion Vault Genetics developed it. The strain’s THC content ranges from 15% to 20%. It is a semi-sedative Indica-dominant. 

The flowers of Grandpa’s Breath are large and have a chunky tapered formation. These buds have a distinct indica internal structure consisting of tightly coiled leaves. The leaves are a vibrant mix of mossy green with shades of purple and indigo, which comes about when pigments called anthocyanins get activated by cold weather. 

The mental edge it causes is a tool for concentration for those with attention deficit disorders. It improves mood and diminishes mild to moderate stress or depression. 

Characteristics of Grandpa’s Breath

Grape, Lavender21 / 0.7RelaxedHappyEuphoricUpliftedSleepy

Grandpa’s Breath as an Indica Strain

Indica strains are best for sleepiness and relief for those suffering chronic pain. They have higher doses of the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD) and lower levels of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Indica is associated with a relaxing feeling, so it’s commonly sought during the night. 

How THC in Indica and Other Strains Affect the Body and Mind

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago wanted to see how tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana affects stress levels. They looked at different THC doses and their impact on stress and anxiety in healthy volunteers.


They recruited 42 healthy volunteers, not daily cannabis users, and split them into low-dose (7.5mg THC), moderate-dose (12.5mg THC), and placebo groups. Participants didn’t know which group they were in. They attended two sessions five days apart, taking their capsules and doing stress-inducing tasks.

Key Findings:

  • Low-dose THC reduced stress after the task.
  • Moderate-dose THC made people feel more negative and found the task harder.
  • Physiological responses were similar across groups.


THC’s effects on stress depended on the dose. Low doses helped with stress, but higher doses made people more anxious. Physiological responses were similar between THC and placebo groups.

What Other Studies Say

Washington State University scientists aimed to investigate how smoking different strains and quantities of cannabis at home affected people’s self-reported levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.


Using data from the Strainprint app, the researchers analyzed self-reported experiences of medical cannabis users. Participants tracked the effects of various doses and types of cannabis on their well-being in real-world settings. This marked a departure from previous laboratory-based studies, which offer insights into the effects of inhaled cannabis in natural environments.

Key Findings:

  1. Smoking cannabis significantly reduces short-term levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.
  2. Optimal reductions in symptoms were observed with specific strains and quantities of cannabis:
    • One puff of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC was effective for reducing depression symptoms.
    • Two puffs of any type of cannabis were sufficient to reduce anxiety symptoms.
    • Ten or more puffs of cannabis high in CBD and THC produced the largest reductions in stress.
  3. The study highlighted the importance of CBD in cannabis, which shows that it can augment the positive effects of THC.
  4. Women reported a significantly greater reduction in anxiety following cannabis use compared to men.

Tips for Effective Use of Grandpa’s Breath

  • Start Slow: Begin with a small dose to gauge your tolerance and sensitivity to its effects. You can always increase your dosage gradually as needed.
  • Choose the Right Environment: Find a comfortable and relaxing space to enjoy Grandpa’s Breath without distractions. Creating a calming atmosphere can enhance its effects.
  • Use Proper Inhalation Techniques: Take slow, deep breaths to absorb the therapeutic compounds. Doing this will allow for better distribution throughout your body and maximize its benefits.
  • Consider Your Schedule: Plan your session when you can fully relax and unwind, such as after work or during a quiet evening at home.
  • Keep Track of Your Experience: Take note of how the strain affects you personally, including its onset time, duration of effects, and any changes in mood or physical sensations.

Incorporating Grandpa’s Breath Into Your Daily Routine

  • Morning Meditation: Set aside a few minutes to focus on your morning meditation or mindfulness practice
  • Midday Break: Even at home or work, a few moments of deep breathing can help alleviate stress and reenergize you for the tasks ahead.
  • Evening Wind-Down: Wind down in the evening with a relaxing session before bed. 
  • Yoga or Stretching: Sync your breath with your movements, allowing this strain to deepen your stretches and enhance your mind-body connection.
  • Creative Expression: Even if you’re writing, painting, or engaging in another creative pursuit, the calming effects of Grandpa’s Breath can help quiet the mind and unlock your creativity.

Know Your Limits With Cannabis 

How you use cannabis can influence when and how long the effects of cannabis make an impact. Knowing your limits by understanding the difference between inhaling and ingesting gives you control. 

Inhaling includes smoking or vaping. It enables the THC, the chemical that gets you high, into your lungs, where it passes directly into your bloodstream and then your brain. You will feel the effects from seconds to a few minutes. 

Ingesting is when you eat or drink it. Edible cannabis travels first to your stomach and then to your liver before getting into your bloodstream and brain. The liver converts THC into a more potent form, and this, combined with the THC from the original product, adds to the intensity of the high. You will start to feel the effects within 30 minutes to 2 hours of ingesting. 

GrassLife: Your Reliable Canada Cannabis Store

GrassLife is an online shop of weed dispensaries where you can access Grandpa’s Breath at great prices. We also deliver to many locations, such as British Columbia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories, and Nova Scotia, to provide fantastic service to all customers. Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you in finding the right product to meet your needs. 

We ensure that every customer has a satisfying experience, whether they are new to cannabis or seasoned users. Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist them in finding the right product to meet their needs. 

Visit our site to explore a wide selection of cannabis products and accessories. Please note that all customers must be of legal age to purchase cannabis products in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Grandpa’s Breath suitable for all users? 

As with any cannabis strain, individual experiences may vary. Users need to start with a low dose and monitor their reactions carefully. Pregnant or nursing individuals, as well as those with certain medical conditions, should consult a healthcare professional before using Grandpa’s Breath or any cannabis product.

Are there any differences in terms of effects between Indica-dominant hybrids grown indoors vs. outdoors?

  • Terpene Profile

Indoor-grown cannabis has a controlled environment, which leads to a consistent terpene profile. Outdoor-grown cannabis may vary due to exposure to different conditions.

  • THC/CBD Ratio

Indoors, THC levels may be higher due to controlled conditions. Outdoors, the THC/CBD ratio may be more balanced.

  • Cannabinoid Content

Indoor cannabis may have higher cannabinoid levels, while outdoor cannabis may offer a more diverse profile influenced by natural factors.

  • Overall Potency

Indoor-grown cannabis is often more potent due to controlled conditions, while outdoor cannabis may have a slightly different potency profile.

How many mg of Indica strain should I take for sleep?

The appropriate dosage of an Indica strain for sleep can vary depending on individual tolerance, body weight, and sensitivity to cannabis. However, a common recommendation for promoting sleep is to start with a low dose of around 5-10mg of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis.

For beginners or those with low tolerance, starting with a lower dose is advisable to assess how your body responds. If you find that this dose is effective in promoting sleep without causing unwanted side effects, you may continue with it.

Yet, if you do not experience the desired effects, you can gradually increase the dosage by 2.5-5mg increments until you find the optimal dose for your needs. Listen to your body and adjust the dosage accordingly to achieve the desired sleep outcomes while minimizing the risk of adverse effects.


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